Sunday, September 13, 2009

Soaked Clothes and Injured Fingers

Another long run mired by craptastic weather this week. My longest until October 4th, it was no less than pouring drenching rain for the 20 mile trek I took yesterday. Two weeks ago I loved the rain, a slight drizzle and downpour in the last mile or so. This time we saw downpours from beginning to end, with the occassional light rain. My clothes were literally foaming. All in all I survived! In my head I wanted to run 21 or 22 miles but I just couldn't stand being in the rain any longer and stopped at 20.15. I would still take this weather before I would put up with 85 degrees and humid. I'm so hapy it is done, and I'm gaining confidence about the marathon... as long as I don't push it pace wise, I shuld be just fine.

The bad weather caused an injury, luckily only on my two middle fingers (nice!). Up at the Chestnut Hill Reservoir I slipped going up the steps, and slammed my fingers into the stairs. For a moment I thought I had broken my fingers but found I could move them (even if the left on was already bloody, gross). Luckily this happened right next to the water stop so I was able to administer some first aid to myself and go on my way (still had 15 miles to go!). Left finger is definitely worse off than the right - it is bandaged up and I lost a lot of skin off the top of my finger. Right hand middle finger only has a lovely blood blister on top of it. Typing is mildly imparied right now. Ugh.

After the run I took a nice ice bath for my legs, had a recovery drink and ate a huge lunch. My unsaciable appetite continues on... Kev was nice enough to bring me out for sushi in Brookline for dinner, and we stopped for cupcakes on the way home. Being able to eat everything in my path thing really is one of the great payoffs for all this training. Since I begin to taper this coming week, I'll have to start cutting down on my food-free-for-all! I'm hoping I won't be so hungry overall!


  1. I love how you typed impaired wrong to get your point across:) Well-played. Congrats on the 20-miler. I can't wait to see you that weekend. We decided to get a hotel on Saturday night. Let's discuss.

  2. We will get this done and do it well, I'm convinced. See you in Portland! Yikes!
